Friday, August 29, 2008

Wow-I'm a terrible blogger so this is long!

Hello! Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I have had several attempts , but with no success! So, finally I'm updating. By the pure grace of God, we were home on the 2nd of August. This was a huge answer to prayer. We were greeted by a lot of our close friends and family, so Bennett had a great welcome home party at the airport. Since then, we've just tried to get settled, as if that is really achievable! I spend my days wiping the cutest little hiney you've ever seen and catching spit up from the most beautiful little mouth! I love being a mom! Bennett is doing great. He eats good, and sleeps, well, good sometimes which is better than never! He's just perfect for us! I couldn't be more confident that he is our baby. The transition into motherhood has not been bad at all. I have however been somewhat surprised at peoples reactions to him and I together. There hasn't been a day since we've been home that I haven't had to explain why I don't have stretch marks. I had a lady in Wal-mart just yesterday that saw him in my buggy and totally invited herself into our personal space for a closer view! She went on and on about how cute he was, and then asked with doubt in her voice, "Is he yours?" I immediately answered yes because that would be the correct answer. It didn't even register with me what she meant until she proceeded to tell me how much she hated me because I didn't look like I had just had a child. I never corrected her wrong assumption that I birthed him. Had she asked if I had delivered him, I of course would have been truthful, but she didn't. I refuse for the next 18 years to describe him as my adopted son. Is he adopted? Yes. But does that tiny little fact come before all the others words I could choose to describe him? No! He's just Bennett. And he's just ours!
I had to send Sara (will call his BM this from here on out) his first set of pictures and a letter. This was a harder task than I thought it would be. Bennett is not doing much other than pooping, sleeping, and crying, so I took the opportunity this time to let her know once again how much I love her. It has become very important to me that she know and understand that the love I have for her has relatively nothing to do with Bennett. People have talked a lot about gratefulness since we adopted him as it pertains to being grateful to Sara because she gave her son to us. I don't mean to sound unappreaciative, but I"m not grateful to Sara because she "gave us her son." I am grateful to Sara because she chose life! She had the option of just terminating her pregnancy, and she chose to carry him to term. I couldn't be more grateful for her decision, but I am not grateful to Sara for "choosing" us. I am thoroughly grateful to the Lord because He is the one who chose us for Bennett. He softened Sara's heart to us and allowed us the opportunity of raising him. And we continue to be humbled and honored, once again, for the chance to love Bennett. In Sara's letter, I told her some of the specifics that I am praying over her life and gave her the opportunity to let us know if there was anything else that she wanted us to pray for. We'll wait and see if we hear back. Thank you for all of your prayers. The Lord heard them and has done what you have asked of him in Jesus' name! Please continue to pray with us for Sara. The Lord loves her tremendously and is just waiting on her to come to him. I know that I may never know while I'm here on earth the effect of our prayers. But I am believing in faith that I'll see her again in the glory of Christ! Okay, that's all for now. I really am going to start setting aside time to update this thing. I really am sorry that it has taken me this long. Thanks again for all of your encouragement and prayers. We have felt them! Until next to a hungry little man!